Friday 13 March 2009

The Shining

The film follows a very linear narrative structure

The main giveaway to the audience that implies that The Shining is a film of the thriller genre, is the music that is played throughout. It's all very eerie and builds suspense. Also, the isolated hotel they reside in, has connotations of a thriller film, as it doesn't seem safe. Everything is dragged out in the film, making it more suspenceful and creating an atmosphere - a typical thriller convention to make it more exciting.

Within the film, there are many close up reaction shots to show the characters feelings and terror. This helps emphasise the horror of the situations. Throughout, there are also many long shots, to set the scene and show the scenic surroundings of the place it's set. Point of view shots also are included to give a sense of what the characters are seeing, a good example of this is the corridor scene in which the little boy keeps seeing the twin girls getting closer, as it created a scary atmosphere.

The colour red is key throughout the film, as it has connotations of blood, therefore many of the props and costume items are red to follow suit. Another relevant prop would be the little boys bike. The way it sounds and moves either slow or fast, depending on what the current situation is builds suspense to the audience.

As previously mentioned, throughout the film, music is played to create a tense atmosphere for the audience, similarly, sound effects are used to emphasise this too.

Cutting is used throughout.

The credits to the film are plain. Which gives the audience no clue as to what will happen in the film.

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