Friday 14 November 2008

Jaws Analysis

The narrative structure to Jaws is linear. This is obvious because it starts from the beginning of the story, and the events that follow go in order throughout the film.

Jaws follows some of the typical traits of a thriller film. The film is about a normal environment with normal people that're placed into an extra-ordinary situation - introducing the exotic. Another convention it follows is delaying the outcome of the story, and only showing parial vision. The audience are never fully aware of whats going on.

Many different, interesting camera angles are used throughout. Alot of the shots are taken from the sharks viewpoint, looking up at its prey. Which gives the audience a chance to see from the sharks viewpoint, and therefore be one step ahead of the characters in the film.

Everything seen within the shots of the film have been placed there for a reason. The opening scene is of a beach party. With teenagers smoking and drinking around a small fire. This sets the scene of a relaxed, ordinary party for younger people, which makes it doubly curprising when one of them gets attacked by a shark.

The trademark music of jaws is played throughout whenever the shark is about to attack. This type of music helps to build tension and has an effect on the audience. There's also alot of screaming from people involved in the attacks/pursuits.

Establishing shots are used to introduce characters into the storyline.

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