Friday 14 November 2008

American Psycho Analysis

American Psycho has a linear narrative structure.

Questions are constantly being asked throughout the film, such as "how is he getting away with this?" etc. The characters are also quite normal, aside from being successful, wealthy business men, and are introduced to the exotic [an extra-ordinary situation]. The audience are also only seeing the movie through partial vision, as the narrative [told by the main character Patrick Bateman] isn't 100% reliable.

The camera is constantly tracking throughout the reseteraunt scene before the dialouge starts. Many reflective shots are also used, through the mirrors and over his shoulder. Close ups are also used frequently. Focusing on: food, credit cards/money [emphasis on wealth]. The camera is very much observing the action, rather than letting the audience have the oppertunity to feel as though they are a part of the story line.

The costumes for the characters are all fancy suits, suggesting their wealth. The opening scenes in which the setting is the resteraunt, everything is very brightly litup, which contrasts with the second setting of a night club, where everything is dark.

The music that has been used in the film builds up tension, and is often used for emphasis of different actions. Yet also, the music is jolly and gives the impression of being some-what fake.

Lots of the scenes are cut frequently. Another editing technique used is 'shot reverse shot'.

The on-screen graphics at the beginning of the film make the audience think of blood because of the red sauce splatting on to the white surface [creating a contrast]. The credits are in a simple type, which makes it seem more serious in a way.

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