Tuesday 2 December 2008

Task 5: Thriller Synopsis

Carl Stevans owes K-Dizzle, his drug dealer a lot of money. After 3 weeks of waiting K-Dizzle takes matters into his own hands kidnapping Carl.Meanwhile back in his flat, his wife Kate is cooking a nice meal for him. Kate starts too get annoyed when he does not return home, so she just goes too bed thinking that Carl has just gone out with some friends and not told her. When Kate wakes up in the morning, she goes into the living room, expecting Carl to be asleep on the couch, but he is no where in the flat. Kate isn't happy at all about this, and leaves for work. Whilst she is in work she decides to get her own back on Carl, by not coming home that night.The next day Kate returns home to find that Carl still isn't there. She starts to get a little worried and checks the phone for messages to try and see if there is any clues to where he has disappeared to. Listening through the messages reveals that he was not in work the day before, and that he had not even met up with his friends for the usual Friday night drinks.

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