Friday 5 December 2008

Thursday 4 December 2008





CARL STEVENS casually walks out of a pub, when a dark FIGURE approaches him from behind and throws him into a car boot.



KATE STEVENS is cooking a roast for her husband looks at clock and start to make a phone call.



Carls phone starts to ring and car pulls to a stop, the Figure then pulls Carl out of the car.

Give me your phone or I’ll break your f***ing face.

P-p-please don’t hurt me. (SNIFFLES)

K-Dizzle punches Carl in the face breaking his nose and knees him repeatedly in chest, throwing him to the floor and then takes his phone out of Carl’s pocket.

You wont be needing this.K-Dizzle takes the phone and throws it on the floor, stomping on it and smashing it to pieces.

CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN – NIGHTThe phone cuts out after other end is smashed; Kate decides to call her husbands work to speak to her BOSS.

Hello Citywide Finances, Toby speaking how can I help?

I I was wondering if Carl Stevens has left work yet.

Hold on a minute...


Yeah, he left hours ago sorry.

Alright thanks, bye.

Kate hangs up phone.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Task 7: Location Sheet


1. Kate/Carl Stevans house. [Kate cooking in the kitchen.]
2. Causeway Pub. [Carl comes out and gets attacked/kidnapped.]
3. In car.
4. Menin Avenue. [K-Dizzle drags Carl out of the car.]


- Ensure all equipment being used is safe and out of harms way.
- Being specifically careful when on the road/filming with the car.


Carl Stevens is walking out of the pub when he notices a strange car with blacked out windows that seems to be following him, he is relieved when the car drives past him assuming he is just being paranoid. However, when Carl turns round the corner, the car is parked. Carl feels paranoid once again at this point, and quickens his pace. When he feels he is at a safe distance from the car, Carl begins to relax at which point he is attacked, dragged backwards and thrown into the boot of the parked car.

Kate Stevens is at home preparing dinner for her husband. After an hour or so, she begins to worry as she hasn't heard from Carl, and it is 10pm. She calls his work and is told that he left the office hours ago. Kate comes to the conclusion Carl must be out with his friends, and not bothered to tell her. She tries to call his phone but she is cut off, so she then calls his friends; none of them have heard from him.

After 24hrs, Kate reports her husband missing to the police. They take his details, and begin searching fro him.

It's been a week since Carl disappeared, and Kate is out doing the weekly shop. She finishes, pays at the counter and makes her way home. As she is walking down the street, she notices a strange man following her.

Kate continues to search for Carl around their neighbourhood and notices the same strange man from the supermarket following her once again. She feels paranoid, but chooses to ignore it.

Kate is at home and about to go to bed when the phone rings; it's the police. They break the news to her that they believe Carl is dead, as they have investigated his disappearance thoroughly, and found nothing. Kate is distraught, and screams at the police unwilling to believe Carl is dead. She continues to search for her husband in every place she thinks he may be, and again, sees the strange man.

Kate visits a bar to drown her sorrows. In her drunken state, Kate is convinced the man sat next to her is Carl because he resembles him. She proceeds to follow the man home and calls the police. They come within ten minutes, searching the mans house and 'checking him out' but he is in fact a normal man called Adam Ryan, and not Carl. Kate now knows where Adam lives, so the next morning she follows him to work and follows him home again; still convinced he is Carl. Adam realises Kate is following him again, so calls the police. They have no choice but to arrest poor Kate for harassment.

Adam Ryan is called into the police station. The police have recently raided a warehouse as they were tipped off that a wanted drug dealer (K-Dizzle) was working from there. After evidence is gathered from the warehouse raid, they discover K-Dizzle and co had been creating fake passports and birth certificates for customers that owed them money. This evidence shows that Carl was in major debt to K-Dizzle, so he was kidnapped and beaten badly, and given the false identity; Adam Ryan.

Task 6: Characterisation

Name: Carl Stevans
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Background: When Carl was 13 his mum and dad split up, this led to Carl becoming very depressed. During this time Carl began taking drugs to try and get him through this, and to calm him down. Carl became very addicted, but he soon received help from his family and friends to help him give up drugs. Carl managed to stay clean for 3 years, until one night he met Kate in a club. Carl ended up staying at Kate's that night, and the two started seeing each other more regularly, which influenced Carl back into taking drugs. 3 months after meeting Carl and Kate got married. Soon after the marriage Carl started a new job working in finance to help pay for their new apartment, and also to help pay for their drug addictions

Name: Kate Stevans.
Age: 20.
Gender: Female.
Background: Kate's parents have taken drugs all of her life. When Kate was 15 her mum died of a heroin overdose. Soon after this Kate's dad committed suicide. The depression all of this led her into taking drugs herself. Soon after Kate had to turn to prostitution to fund her drug addiction, and to feel wanted. When Kate was 18 she met Carl in a club. Carl spent the night at her flat, where she once again introduces Carl to drugs. 3 months after meeting Kate and Carl got married. Soon after the marriage Carl started a new job working in finance to help pay for their new apartment, to help pay for their drug addictions, and also so Kate would no longer have to sell herself.

Task 4: Questionnaire

1. How Old Are You?______________
2. Do you like thriller films? Why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Do you have a favourite thriller film?_______________________________
4. Why is this your favourite?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. What do you expect to see in a thriller film?_____________________________________
6. How many thriller films have you watched?_____________________________________
7. Do you expect to see gore in thriller films?______________________________________
8. What is your favourite film genre and why?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Task 5: Thriller Synopsis

Carl Stevans owes K-Dizzle, his drug dealer a lot of money. After 3 weeks of waiting K-Dizzle takes matters into his own hands kidnapping Carl.Meanwhile back in his flat, his wife Kate is cooking a nice meal for him. Kate starts too get annoyed when he does not return home, so she just goes too bed thinking that Carl has just gone out with some friends and not told her. When Kate wakes up in the morning, she goes into the living room, expecting Carl to be asleep on the couch, but he is no where in the flat. Kate isn't happy at all about this, and leaves for work. Whilst she is in work she decides to get her own back on Carl, by not coming home that night.The next day Kate returns home to find that Carl still isn't there. She starts to get a little worried and checks the phone for messages to try and see if there is any clues to where he has disappeared to. Listening through the messages reveals that he was not in work the day before, and that he had not even met up with his friends for the usual Friday night drinks.